Wednesday 14 January 2009

Taboo Sex.

Standing above the dancing youths on the club balcony he chooses his victim he notices a group of girls alone with no male. He picks out the skinniest and moves in. After an hour or so he's at the table telling jokes and buying drinks. Four large vodka's later he drags her to the toilet she's up for it and he fills her cunt with his cock. She screams with pleasure and pain and they come together. He turns her around and bends her over and pushes his cock into her tight arsehole, screaming with the effort. When he's finished her pulls out and comes all over her face smearing her make-up into a twisted parody of the girl that was dancing just a few hours earlier. She's panting for breath and is trying to gather the energy to complain when he pulls a knife out of his belt and gouges a hole out of her side and plunges his cock deep inside of her flesh she thinks to complain then stops as she begins to enjoy the feeling of his cock stabbing into her kidney's. Semen and blood are dripping from her wound but still he forces his cock ever deeper rupturing organs with each thrust. Finally the last of the blood drains out of her and she falls lifeless off the end of his still erect penis. He picks her up by the hair and gouges out an eyeball with a dirty bloody fingernail and drops the hole onto his cock for another round of violent thrusting. By the time her friends realised something was amiss and went to the toilet to investigate he was still thrusting away but all that was left of her was skin and hair.

William J. Rimbaud.


  1. Is it wrong that this has left me throbbing?

  2. Ive been told that is the point and i should be shameful however i feel no shame.


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